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WECP Garden Workday

Fall and Spring

Each Fall and Spring we coordinate a garden workday. The purpose of the workday is to make the WECP playground spaces cleaner, greener, and safer! 

Scholastic Book Fair

November 12-16, 2018

A wide range of picture books and beginning reader books are available. In addition, there are puzzles, games, cookbooks, and more.   Scholastic accepts cash, checks, and credit cards.


In addition to purchasing books for your children or gifts, each classroom has a box of "Wish List" books that parents are invited to purchase and donate to your child's room.


If the PTO meets its target sales, the PTO receives 25% cash back from Scholastic to help us in our mission of supporting teachers and building community at WECP. 

Coffee Sale

4 – 6 times per school year

Coffee samples will be free and bags of coffee will be $12.  We will also be selling fancy fair-trade chocolate bars for $2 and four seasons of notecards adorned with student art, all of which make good gifts.    


We can accept cash, checks, credit cards, and IOUs.  The PTO uses the proceeds to support instructor licensing and registration, continuing education, music in the classroom, and much more to help make the WECP an outstanding facility. 

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